Researchers have shown that marijuana can relieve pain and get drunk, stimulates appetite, and can help alleviate pain in people with HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis.
But people who used cannabis continuously for a long time can cause brain damage and the dependence of the body itself.

Pros cons of whether marijuana could be used freely for drugs continue to roll in some developed countries like the UK. This issue is open again controversy over how the sale of marijuana should be allowed for the sick.
This old issue still unsolved because of marijuana more distorted than utilized by the taking.
The drug companies also do not have the opportunity to enlarge the gains from the sale of cannabis is still illegal.
A migraine sufferer (headaches) Marie Summers in the UK to apply for sale of marijuana to sick people are allowed.
Marie imprisoned for years of pain. All drugs not effective until he finally overcome by using the drug. The result is like a miracle.
Marie suffered migraine already in phase disrupt his life. Migraine cause more pain and no one can stop the attacks.
If the contract is migraine, Marie suddenly could not walk because his legs suddenly became unable to move. When forced herself, she began to tremble and lose consciousness.
Migraine is also making it unable to focus on reading and writing or engaging in long conversations, and every movement made him dizzy uncontrollably.
"I almost always unable to get out of bed. I went in and out of hospital but still continued to attack me migraines. Migraine is increasingly destroying the quality of my life," Marie said as quoted by the Independent on Saturday (08/07/2010).
In a desperate condition, Marie then seek information on the Internet that finding people who recover experience migraines because of marijuana. Marie originally did not want to consume cannabis because he had collapsed because of addiction to cannabis during adolescence.
But finally he tried it and miraculously missing his head pain. Not only he's improved but he also had time for his son. But for fear of addiction as teenagers when he was only tried once.
But what happens when the attack came again, drugs can not cure it. Marie eventually chose to use marijuana, with reasons for feeling better and save itself from the chaos of life.
In a matter of minutes using a little marijuana to make the pain disappear. "My body feels peaceful. Nothing is sick and feels wrong. I'm still weak, but I could move as calmly and as gracefully as before. The number of marijuana less liberate me from this pain. I feel more smiles than usual, because the layers of pain that during this menutupiku has been successfully removed, "said Marie.
Marie is able to do activities that have long been abandoned and passed. But the difficulty if the relapse he can not get marijuana. Marie hopes sick people who helped because marijuana should be allowed to consume.
Recognition Marie is open again controversy how should the sale of marijuana is allowed for the sick. Further research needs to be done to determine the appropriate concentration and dose use of marijuana to combat pain.
Scientists reveal some facts that marijuana can indeed be a drug.
1. Researchers have shown that marijuana can relieve pain and get drunk, stimulates appetite, and can help symptoms of diseases such as HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis. But people who used cannabis continuously for long periods can cause dependence.
2. In tahun1999, investigation of the House of Lords inquiry recommends that marijuana be made available by prescription. Long-term clinical trial has been approved but no conclusions are made.
3. Marijuana legal for medical use in countries including Canada, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Italy, Finland, Portugal and 14 states in the U.S..
4. Drug marijuana is generally smoked, but can also be given in capsules or by eating or drinking the juice. Two major components are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).
High levels of THC which causes users to feel intoxicated, where the levels of CBD reduces some effects of THC and other meningkatkanyang, making it more suitable for the use of drugs.
5. Colin Davies, 42 years old, a resident of Manchester Stockport acquitted by the court in July 1999, in supplying two MS patients with drug marijuana. Davies' own use of drugs after suffering from side effects of prescription drugs. This consideration is the first time in court in England.
6. Jason Turner, 23 years old, a resident of Clifton, Nottingham, was detained by the court in 2009 after pleading guilty of producing cannabis in the attic, on the grounds that he needed to help reduce the pain of acute arthritis who experienced since birth
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